Beautiful Minds

Transformational Specialist

Professional and Clinical Hypnotherapy

Why Choose Beautiful Minds?

I am an intuitive / spiritual communicator of universal higher energy. Which means I tune in to spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Eg. Card/ribbon readings and channelling. Through my experience in study and being open to learning and growing my skills, I find myself on this perpetual life journey of expansion and growth and I love it. After my children flew the nest I was ready to find my niche in life, I was drawn to follow my ambition to become a clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. In addition to my holistic and intuitive skills, this was my dream to bring all of these attributes together with my hypnotherapy so that I could deliver quality help and support to my clients. Helping them to get the best out of their lives. I deliver a small weekly spiritual development and meditation class for people.

This gave me the drive to pursue my hypnotherapy.

Ready to Make a Change?

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